Author(s): Tomasz Kolerski; Fengbin Huang; Hung Tao Shen
Linked Author(s): Hung Tao Shen, Tomasz Kolerski
Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: The geometry of the ice jam toe against an ice cover leading edge is governed by the balance of the forces acting on the surface ice rubble in the river channel and the condition at the cover leading edge. This study examines the development of jam toe configurations for breakup jams. The breakup ice jams are studied using a river ice dynamics model. The model is refined to consider three types of downstream transition of surface ice jam to study their effects on the jam toe configuration: 1) ice rubble mass stops at the cover leading edge; 2) ice rubble mass moves pass the cover leading edge without fracturing the cover; and 3) ice rubble mass ploughs into and fractures the ice cover. A field example on breakup ice jam in Thames River is presented.
Year: 2016