Author(s): Hayley H. Shen; Jim Thomson; Martin J. Doble; Alison L. Kohout; Bjorn Lund; W. Erick Rogers; Stephen F. Ackley; Ben Holt; Peter Wadhams
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: A field study of wave propagation in the marginal ice zone was conducted in the Beaufort/Chukchi Seas from 1 Oct to 10 Nov, 2015. A total of seven experiments over this time span covered an area between 72.5-75N and 151-163W. These experiments were mostly performed in pancake ice fields, a new regime of the Arctic that was found to be prevalent during our study. Three types of buoys were deployed to determine the wave directional spectra. In addition, the ship radar record was also available for analyzing the wave field. In this paper, we describe these experiments and provide sample data sets for the wave and ice conditions. The data will be further processed to calibrate and validate some existing wave-in-ice models. Preliminary analysis of the buoy data and its use for model calibration are presented in an accompanying paper in this Proceedings.
Year: 2016