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Global Environmental Flow Requirement Based on Primary Productivity and Vulnerability of Fluvial Ecosystems

Author(s): Yui Shinozaki; Naoki Shirakawa; Masashi Fujiwara

Linked Author(s): Naoki Shirakawa

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: We estimated global Environmental Flow Requirements (EFRs) focusing on the productivity and vulnerability of fluvial ecosystems based on primary productivity and longitudinal transportation of plant biomass. The novel points are that the EFR thresholds are set according to the ecological characteristics which cannot be evaluated by hydrological statistics, and that it is able to set different of EFRs within a catchment on a monthly basis. In the discussion section, we verified applicability of the model by comparing EFRs of three existing global models and28 case studies in 17 countries. The result showed that this model had the highest concordance rate (64%) with EFRs set by case studies among global models. Finally, we discussed the advantages of our new EFR model under the global water resource management perspective.


Year: 2018

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