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Large-Scale Data for Adaptive Barrier Management: The Amber Atlas

Author(s): Wouter Van De Bund; Simone Bizzi; Simone Bizzi

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Effective rehabilitation of ecosystem functioning in rivers needs to consider the complexity and trade-offs imposed by barriers. However, strikingly the state of river fragmentation of European rivers is largely unknown. An initial survey based on 38 European countries showed that numerous databases exist at national and regional levels. However, their consistency in terms of typology of mapped barriers and list of variables stored is low. Some countries have a national inventory that in most cases concerns only major dams, few have an exhaustive mapping also of minor barriers. The EU funded project AMBER aims to fill this gap, creating the first pan-European atlas of river barriers that impact river connectivity. The project aims to establish a common framework for barrier mapping, data collection and storage for any type of barrier that is likely to have an impact on river ecosystem connectivity (including water, sediments and organisms), and to support barrier reporting in a consistent and homogeneous way throughout Europe. This will be achieved through an extensive exercise of existing database compilation and a critical analysis of the compiled data. This analysis will include a validation process that combines statistical approaches, fieldsurvey, remote sensed data and the use of a smartphone app.


Year: 2018

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