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Species Selection for Littoral Restoration in Changing Water Level Environments

Author(s): John A. Chapman; Bruce N. Wilson

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Vegetation restoration in littoral zones can often fail (Vanderbosch and Galatowitsch, 2010), yet establishment of vegetation is critical for the stabilization of sediment. It is possible to use a single species for restoration, but a lack of understanding of water depth duration, amplitude, and frequency can result in failure of vegetation growth. Restoration plans can use a variety of species to provide a greater range of tolerance to environmental changes, but this introduces new factors such as competition between species that need to be considered. We will discuss how a mix of species can be used to provide stabilization of sediments and restore an ecosystem in a littoral environment. We will consider experimental test plots (Chapman et al., 2013) along with example projects and construction specifications.


Year: 2018

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