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The River Experiment Center Andong for Large-Scale Outdoor Hydraulic Test Facility

Author(s): Hyung Suk Kim; Du Han Lee; Sungjoong Kim; Jung-Eun Gu

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The River Experiment Center (REC) with one of the largest experimental facilities was constructed at Andong of South Korea in 2009. The REC pursues the global research center of river R& D based on hydraulic experiments and seeks collaborative researches of the interactions between flow, sediment transport, river morphology and ecology. A variety of experiments have been conducted with unique prototype channels and new measurement technologies. The REC provides various research events and educations. One of the representative events is the Andong River Experiment Forum that intends river experts to shear knowledge on eco-hydraulics based on the REC.


Year: 2018

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