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Adsorption of Chromium onto Sieved Grains of Autoclaved Lightweight Aerated Concrete

Author(s): Yuuki Yoshida; Kenya Matsumoto; Ken Kawamoto

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The production amount of Autoclaved Lightweight aerated Concrete (ALC) is increasing in developing countries, however, most of ALC scrap generated through the manufacturing process is not fully reused and recycled but dumped without any treatment. In order to propose an effective use of ALC scrap especially on wastewater treatment, this study aims to investigate adsorption characteristics of Chromium (Cr) onto sieved grains of ALC. Batch adsorption tests were carried out to measure Cr adsorption onto three different fractions of ALC grains, < 0.106,0. 106-2,2-4.75 mm at different pH conditions. Results showed that Cr adsorption increased monotonically with increasing in equilibrium concentration and that Freundlich model well captured measured adsorption isotherms. Cr adsorption increased with decreasing in pH, implying that active hydroxides (-OH) on the edge of Ca sheet and silicate chains of tobermorite might create positive charges at low pH enhanced the adsorption of Cr ions.


Year: 2018

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