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Considering River Morphological Changes in Environmental Flows Assessment

Author(s): Paolo Vezza; Martina Bussettini; Isabella Garzia; Anouil Koutrakis; Stelios Triantafillidis; Argyrios Sapounidis

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Habitat loss and migration restrictions due to river damming are main factors affecting biodiversity in freshwaters. In particular, water abstractions and hydroelectric dams cause both hydrological and morphological alterations, which have impacts on the biotic communities. Morphological alterations refer to modification of sediment transport, channel geometry and planforms over time. Using a multiscale hydromorphological framework for e-flows assessment, in this work we evaluated how morphological river changes may affect habitat availability for fish. A case study on the River Nestos (Northern Greece) is used as an example of application. Results demonstrate the need of incorporating sediment transport and sediment balance in the context of water resources management, linking environmental flows to sediment supply from dams of from other possible sediment sources.


Year: 2018

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