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Sediment Transport Induced by Scour Around Vertical Structures in Steady Current

Author(s): Du Sheng-Tao; Liang Bing-Chen

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Sediment and suspended particles can transport nutrients, which are important contributors to eutrophication of rivers, lakes and oceans. From the physical point of view, the changed flow field in rivers causes momentum exchanges between benthic habitat and the flow. Flow field alteration and sediment local scour induced by the existence of both cylindrical and square structures are analyzed from the physical point of view. Steady flow around the structure was simulated in a numerical model by solving the Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations with a k–ωturbulence closure. Comparisons between the numerical results and available theoretical and experimental data showed satisfactory agreements in velocity of the flow field, the scour depth and the range of the model. Characteristics of flow field and scour around the cylinders are analyzed and compared providing some references for the study of nutrient transport in sediments and suspended particles.


Year: 2018

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