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Historical Changes of Channel Congifuration in Geum River

Author(s): Mikyoung Choi; Seonhui Noh; Kwansue Jung

Linked Author(s): Kwansue Jung

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Artificial structures such as dams, weirs, and banks for flood control and water resources development are constructed in most rivers in Korea. The stabilization of the flow and the reduction of the sediment volume due to the structure caused the activity of the stream topography and the quality degradation of the river environment adapted to the disturbance. On the other hand, recent increase in rainfall intensity and a long drought due to abnormal weather cause other changes in the stream that has been changed by the structure. In order to understand these complex river system changes and to use them for restoration and management of rivers, it is essential to understand the river process by understanding the geomorphic characteristics of the rivers and the change patterns with time. In this study, we analyze the historical geomorphic changes by changes of flow conditions in Guem River which have the two dams (Daecheong Dam and Yongdam Dam) in upper part and estuary bank in lower part, and 3 multiple weirs as a part in middle part. We will analyze the historical changes of not only channel configuration (such as width, bar area, sinuosity etc. ) and cross section but also habitat structures, and will discuss river processes of Geum River by artificial structures.


Year: 2018

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