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The Dynamic Process and SPH Simulation of Non-Homogeneous Debris Flow

Author(s): Shu Wang; Anping Shu; Fuyang Zhu

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The non-homogeneous debris flows with the characteristics of high density and high impact seriously threaten the security of mountainous people. Based on the existing non-Newtonian models such as Bingham-plastic model and power-law model, the study focus on the interphase forces between the solid particles and the liquid slurry. The dynamical model of initiation process of non-homogeneous debris flow has been founded, and the interphase forces has been discretized based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method (SPH). The resulting technique is then applied for the simulation of debris flows, comparing the results with those obtained from experiments by previous studies.


Year: 2018

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