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Estimation of Annual Maximum Ice Thickness in Different Return Periods for a Reservoir Using Air Temperature

Author(s): Qing Jia; Zhijun Li; Matti Lepparanta

Linked Author(s): Zhijun Li

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Ice cover plays an important role in cold-region hydraulic engineering both for design and operation of structures, and ice thickness is the most fundamental and important ice cover parameter. In many cases, the available period of ice-thickness record is shorter than that of local meteorological data. A method to estimate the annual maximum ice thickness in different return periods is introduced in the present paper. As an example, based on in situ temperature data in winter 2008–2009 in the Hongqipao reservoir in Heilongjiang, Northeastern China and meteorological data available from Anda meteorological station, the statistical relationship between these sites was established. The air temperatures from 1952 to 2008 of Anda station were used to estimate the air temperatures in the reservoir. Moreover, based on the collected ice-thickness records and the estimated air temperatures in 1988–2008 in the Hongqi-pao reservoir, Zubov’s ice growth law was utilized to calculate the upper and lower envelope curves of ice thickness. The statistical relationship between freezingdegree-days and ice growth was then established. The annual maximum ice thickness was determined combining with air temperature from 1952–2008 in the area. The series of the calculated annual maximum ice thickness shows a depressed tendency. The annual maximum ice thickness in different return period was calculated using P-III-type curve, resulting in 1.35 m, 1.31 m, 1.26 m, and 1.22 m for once in 100,50,20, and 10 years, respectively.


Year: 2010

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