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A Discrimination Method for Ice-Breakup Mode of Natural River

Author(s): Mao Ze-Yu; Gao Liang; Ma Zhuang

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Keywords: Break-up; Ice-cover mechanical breakup; Thermal ice-cover breakup; Ice-cover fracture; Discrimination method

Abstract: The river ice-breakup mode during spring time has significant influence on the formation and evolution of ice jam, and is critical for use of ice-flood controlling measures. Therefore it is extremely important to forecast ice-breakup mode accurately for the prediction and prevention of ice flood in breakup period. The disastrous flooding caused by ice-cover breakup has been very serious and happened frequently in China, so it is of great significance to study the mechanism of ice-cover breakup and the criterion for onset of river-ice breakup. An accurate and universally applicable criterion for onset of river-ice breakup, based upon mechanism of mechanical river-ice breakup, can provide valuable time for preventing icedisaster and offer scientific basis for ice-flood control department. However, up to date the predicting methods of ice-cover break-up based upon the mechanical mechanism has been lack of. Based on the boundary constraint for estimating the onset of mechanical breakup of river ice cover, a criterion based upon water-stage increment during break-up period is presented. Field observations at Zhao JunFen hydrology station are used to validate the presented method. The results indicate that the method presented can appropriately discriminate the mechanical and thermal breakup of river ice cover with accuracy.


Year: 2010

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