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Lake Ladoga Freezing and Break-up Analysis

Author(s): Sergey Karetnikov

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Winter conditions play an important role for the largest lake in Europe-Lake Ladoga. The ice on the surface of Lake Ladoga can be observed for more than half a year. On average, the ice cover lasts for 172±3 days from the beginning of November until the middle of May. All the aircraft-and satellite-gathered information on ice distribution over the lake surface is collected into ice databases. There have been more than 1200 ice surveys since the year 1943 up to 2009. The mean number of surveys per winter is 18. Since 1964, there have been digitized approximately 600 ice surveys, with a 10 x 10 km cell, and 10% accuracy. For each cell, the linear time variation has been plotted in terms of ice percentage increases and decreases. The linear approximation has been defined by the mean freezing and break-up dates for each cell. A schemes of Lake Ladoga mean freezing, break-up dates and complete ice cover duration has been developed and analyzed.


Year: 2010

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