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Dynamic Processes of Interaction of Drifting Icebergs and Sea Ice

Author(s): V. N. Smirnov; V. G. Korostelev; L. V. Panov; I. B. Sheikin; A. I. Shushlebin

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: A review of mechanical processes excited during iceberg calving and at interaction of them with drifting sea ice is presented. During a few decades, the main parameters of wave and oscillation processes that accompany the sea ice dynamics were measured in many Russian expeditions in the Arctic and Antarctic. In present time, these data receive significant interest in scientific and engineer tasks of the Arctic shelf. On drifting icebergs and ice islands surrounded by sea ice (in the Weddell Sea, in Arctic Ocean on drifting stations >, parameters of oscillations and waves were measured using seismometers and tiltmeters. At periodic micro-shearings of the outlet glaciers to sea microseismic waves in ice, in rock ground and in the sea arise in range of frequencies of 1–10 Hz. At the icefall into the sea free surface waves are formed. They are registered at large distance with a period up to 60 seconds and wave height up to half of meter. Icebergs and ice islands are sensitive to surface and internal waves of the ocean, which produce flexural deformations of ice. Periods of forced and own oscillations of icebergs among compacted drifting ice are defined. The force interaction with sea ice is accompanied by its ridging and generates large-scale stick slip events and self-excited oscillations. Taking to account mass of the iceberg global dynamic interaction forces reached 39 MN.


Year: 2010

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