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Development of a Numerical Model for Predicting Ice Conditions on the Upper Nelson River

Author(s): Milan Bijeljanin; Shawn Clark

Linked Author(s): Shawn Clark

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The Jenpeg Generating Station is an integral component of the hydroelectric network owned by Manitoba Hydro. Built for the Lake Winnipeg Regulation (LWR) project, the station provides a vital link between 50% of the available storage and 75% of the total generation capacity. Primary objectives of LWR include increasing Lake Winnipeg outflow capacity during winter months and ensuring optimal channel conveyance is maintained throughout the freeze-up period. As a result, the Ice Stabilization Program was developed to aid operators in optimizing the ice development process in an effort to minimize the presence of frazil ice and its detrimental effect on operational efficiency. The purpose of this research is to utilize numerical modeling in developing an operational tool to assist Manitoba Hydro in projecting and optimizing the ice formation processes upstream of the Jenpeg Generating Station. The CRISSP2D model has been utilized to simulate the hydrodynamic, thermodynamic and dynamic ice characteristics of the area. Model calibration and verification will each be based on one year of observed and measured data. The current status of the project is presented, including an analysis of data gathered during the 2009 freezeup period and the corresponding model calibration process and results.


Year: 2010

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