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Simulation of Ice Rubble Failure Against a Conical Structure with Arbi-Trary Lagrangian-Eulerian Finite Element Method

Author(s): Janne Ranta; Kari Santaoja; Jukka Tuhkuri

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Ice structure interaction process is complex event where different types of ice features together with spatially varying mechanical properties are present. Furthermore, size and shape as well as mechanical properties of the system will change during the process. Due the versatility of ice-structure interaction events, numerical simulation methods are needed to obtain more understanding about different mechanisms behind field observations. Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element method based procedure was developed and applied for simulations of ice-structure interaction processes. The procedure was implemented into Abaqus 6.7-1 finite element code. In test simulations, homogeneous consolidated ice rubble field with constant thickness interacted with Kemi-I lighthouse foundation. Constitutive modelling of the ice rubble field was carried out by using linear Drucker-Prager model. Cohesive softening of the material was taken account. As a result, geometric evolutions, force-time histories as well as some stress data from simulations were obtained. Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element based procedure was found to be a potential method for ice-structure interaction simulations. The procedure allows implementation of sophisticated material models as well as complex ice features in a sense that initial state of the material model is defined differently in different parts of the model.


Year: 2010

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