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Numerical Modelling of a Full Scale Ice Event

Author(s): Arne Gurtner; Morten Bjerkas; Jimmy Forsberg; Daniel Hilding

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Abstract: A new way of simulating ice actions onto structures with use of finite element (FE) method has been applied in recent years. The method involves an extension of the conventional finite element method to account for fracture with use of cohesive elements and has already been applied to several other ice action simulations. This paper describes a refinement of this cohesive element approach and a validation against full scale load levels. Method refinement includes a heuristic homogenization approach of the ice fracture process. The applicability and value of this method has been demonstrated through comparisons to selected data from full scale ice actions at lighthouse Norstromsgrund. A FE model of the lighthouse has been developed aiming to represent the structural characteristics including the lighthouse-seabed interaction. Ice load measuring panels along the lighthouse perimeter have been modelled and measured ice actions have been compared to simulated ice actions. The results show reasonable agreement with measured level and fluctuation of loads. However, improvement of the methodology is still required to completely match full scale observations. Compared to earlier modelling attempts a parameterized buoyancy formulation together with an optimized mesh for the ice showed to enhance the CPU efficiency considerably.


Year: 2010

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