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Seasonal Snow: Lake Kilpisj"Arvi v.s. Bay of Bothnia

Author(s): Onni Jarvinen

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Abstract: I shall present measurement data from Lake Kilpisjarvi and Bay of Bothnia, Balt ic Sea gathered dur ing winters 2008 and 2009. Lake Kilpisjarvi (N69_o_, E20_o_) is located at the north-western tip of Finland. Measurements in Lake Kilpisjarvi included 8 snow pits during winter 2008 and 7 snow pits during winter 2009. I made two long snow lines in Bay of Bothnia (N64_o_, E22_o_) during winter 2009. These snow lines included 4 snow pits. A physical characterization of snow layers were done, including the thickness, density, salinity, hardness (hand test), grain size and grain type. Also photographs from snow crystals were taken to help identifying the dominant grain type. I shall discuss about the differences between physical properties of snow between these two locat ions. Also I shall compare data from 2009 to data collected during winters 1987,1990, and 1993 in Bay o f Bothnia. Also optical properties of snow are presented based on field measurements using a small spectroradiometer. Snow layer has a major role in the exchange of heat between ice and atmosphere and in the transfer of sunlight into a lake. The snow bottom is warm relative to snow on land due to the presence of water beneath ice, especially so in cold, arct ic climat ic condit ions.


Year: 2010

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