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Experiences with Testing of Moored Structures in Ice at HSVA

Author(s): Karl-Ulrich Evers; Andrea Haase

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The increase of act ivit ies in o il and gas explorat ion and production in co ld regions during the last years is associated with the development of new innovat ive concepts with respect to arctic fixed and moored offshore installations. As a consequence there is a huge demand from the oil industry to validate the proposed concepts and feasibility studies. Apart from that numerical simulat ions may be beneficial to a certain extent to invest igate the ice related problems one can still not dispense with the performance of physical model tests. Worldwide there are only a limited number of facilit ies available, which are able to cope with the challenge of ice model tests at a proper model scale. The paper describes broadly the assets and drawbacks of different types of mooring systems ("wet" or "dry" mooring system) and the cho ice of suitable subst ituted mechanical systems with respect to their applicat ion for various ice scenarios. Alternat ives how to design the model test set-up in order to measure the ice forces independent ly from the system response forces of moored float ing structures will also be discussed.


Year: 2010

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