Author(s): Jarrod Malenchak; John Doering; Hung Tao Shen; Michael Morris; Manitoba Hydro
Linked Author(s): John (Jay) Doering, Hung Tao Shen
Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: The Limestone Generat ing Station is a 1340 MW station on the lower Nelson River in northern Manitoba, Canada. Downstream of the station, the characterist ics o f the flow regime and the nature of the river bed geometry together provide ideal condit ions for very dynamic ice formations to evolve each winter. Specifically, about 3.5 km downstream of the station is Sundance Rapids, a large anchor ice/aufeis dam fo rms at this locat ion every winter which constricts the flow through the rapids and causes water level staging at the tailrace of the plant in the order of 1-2.5 m each winter. The operational and financial implicat ions of these river ice processes have been well documented in previous papers. The focus of this paper will be on the refinement and applicat ion of the CRISSP2D model to simulate the anchor ice and aufeis processes at Sundance Rapids. Incorporated into the model will be detailed thermal heat budget calculations, anchor ice growth and release processes, and aufeis processes using a heat balance approach. Specialized dry bed treatment will need to be incorporated into the model given the nature of the bed geometry and flow condit ions downstream of the generating station. Model formulations and the calibrat ion of the model will be presented. The simulated ice condit ions, specifically the size and locat ion of the ice dam as well as the water level staging at the Limestone station, will be compared to field observat ions for a select number of winter seasons.
Year: 2010