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Ecologically Significant and Hazardous Ice Phenomena in the Gulf of Finland and Adjoined Water Bodies: Results of Study Based on Satellite SAR/Asar Survey

Author(s): V. V. Melentyev; L. P. Bobylev; L. H. Pettersson; V. Yu. Tsepelev; A. M. Kolesov; P. V. Soloshchuk; K. V. Melentyev; P. O. Bednov

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Abstract: Satellite-airborne SAR sensors were used for monitor the ice parameters in Gulf of Finland and chart ing surrounding mar ine and fresh water po lytypic lakes, artificial reservo irs in NW part of RF and neighboring countries. Lakes Ladoga and Onega, Chudskoye (Peipus), Teploye, Pskovskoye, Il’men’ and some others waterbodies represents responsibility NW Territorial Administration on Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Environment RF (SZ UGMS). All other such were invest igated from freeze-up till ice melt ing and destruct ion. Winter seasons with different severity are selected. Invest igat ions were aimed for chart ing eco logically significant and hazardous phenomena, supporting ice navigat ion and icy waters bio-monitor. Interpretation satellite SAR was provided with using airborne and in situ groundtrough inspect ion that realized regularly by SZ UGMS. Advancement activity supposes applying airborne mult i-spectral po larimetric ALSAR that makes deeper sounding with increase number retrieval geophysical parameters. Analys is of NERSC/NIERSC SAR achieves allows reveal type FY ice and study modification ice parameters. ALSAR enlarge the capability o f reconstruct spatial and vert ical heterogeneity o f thick and so lid ice. Examples of revealing history of salt ish and fresh-water ice format ion, detecting deformed zones with dividing level crystalline ice from rafted and ridged areas are presented. Diffused and compacted ice edge, ice jam, ice belt, barr ier of ice, “ice fronts” and other specific dangerous phenomena were investigated. SAR signatures of frazil and grease ice, rind ice, slush, shuga, nilas (dark and light) are presented. Comprehensive use ALSAR allows detects manifestation and spat ial displacement thermal bar in fall: this applicat ion has fundamental meaning in oceanography and limno logy.


Year: 2010

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