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Non-Contact Type Discharge Observation Considering River Bed Fluctuation During Flooding

Author(s): Shun Kudo; Atsuhiro Yorozuya; Hiroshi Koseki; Toshiharu Fueta; Makoto Nakatsugawa

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Keywords: Water surface information; Hydraulic resistance; Micro-scale bed form; Radio wave current meter

Abstract: This study aims to introduce a discharge measurement system which is able to consider a river bed fluctuation during flooding. The target area of this study is Hime River in Japan. The river is a flashy river and has active sediment movement. An observation site of the river has a problem that discharges converted from water level and calculated by hydrological model differ. We focused on the river bed fluctuation as one of the reasons of the difference between the discharges. First, change of hydraulic resistance during flooding was analyzed with data obtained by a Dcp. Then, river bed elevation and discharge were estimated using analysis result of hydraulic resistance and hydrological quantities over water surface such as water level and water surface velocity. As a result, discharge considering river bed fluctuation showed higher value than that without the fluctuation. The discharge observation system utilizes water surface information considering river bed fluctuation will contribute to improve efficiency and accuracy, and to secure safety of river discharge measurement during severe floods.


Year: 2017

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