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Numerical Simulation of Peace River Ice Conditions

Author(s): Hai Li; Martin Jasek; Hung Tao Shen

Linked Author(s): Hung Tao Shen

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The Peace River in northern Alberta and British Columbia is regulated by 3400 MW of hydroelectric plants in its headwaters. Winter regulation poses risks to flooding downstream due to ice conditions. In this study, the RICE model was used to simulate the ice regime over a 1200 km long reach of the river over an entire season in order to develop a tool to better manage the ice regime, reduce the flood risk and optimize hydropower production. The unsteady model simulated the water temperature variation, frazil and surface ice productions, border ice formation, ice cover formation, consolidation, thermal growth, decay, and undercover transport and accumulation. The model used simplified rectangular cross sections and the calibration was based on observed ice front positions and water levels. Preliminary model runs were subsequently performed to assess the sensitivity of the ice regime to the water temperature and discharge at the upstream boundary condition.


Year: 2002

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