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The Effect of the Cold Spot Regions on the Frazil Ice Formation

Author(s): Ricardo Ramirez-Vargas

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: A recently developed simulation technique for the frazil ice production in crystallizers has been applied to the frazil ice generation process in natural water bodies. The objective is to evaluate the time variation of supercooling, and particle size distribution. The simulation requires the solution of the material, energy and population balances, as well as a special consideration of the water-cold air interface. In rivers, lakes and crystallizers where frazil crystals are generated the supercooling cannot be considered homogeneous, some regions have high supercooling and some others have a low supercooling level. In this work the frazil ice-water system is divided into two sectors, a small one where the supercooling is high, this is called here Cold Spot Region (CSR), and a larger one with low supercooling which is called bulk solution (BS). The general conclusion is that it is necessary to take into account the effect of the CSR on the crystal growth and secondary nucleation processes to simulate the frazil ice formation.


Year: 2002

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