Author(s): Petra Heil; Ian Allison
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: Fast-ice and atmospheric measurements from two locations off the East Antarctic coast (Davis and Mawson) are available for individual years in the 1950s to 1970s and more frequently during the 1980s and 1990s. We study changes in the annual maximum ice thickness, snow depth, and the date of maximum ice thickness. Annual maximum ice thickness does not show distinct longterm trends at either location, however the interannual variability increased significantly during the 1980s at Mawson and during the 1990s at Davis. Interannual variability in snow depth does not affect maximum ice thickness. At Davis and Mawson there is a trend in the date of annual maximum ice thickness, with the maximum occuring later in the 1990s than in the 1950s. At Davis the rate is+4.3 days per decade; at Mawson this delay is+4.8 days per decade. Our analysis suggests that these changes in the fast-ice properties are likely to be related to changes in the large-scale atmospheric forcing.
Year: 2002