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Simulation of Ridge Keel Behaviour in Direct Shear and Punch Tests by Discrete Element Method

Author(s): Eugene B. Karulin; Marina M. Karulina

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The methods for a definition of the mechanical properties of a ridge keel, angle of internal friction and cohesion, are direct shear test and punch test. Attempts to interpret outcomes of experiments using soil mechanics theory and finite element method (FEM) do not allow us to obtain sufficient physical conformity between theoretical and actual patterns of ridge keel behaviour. The problem is solved by using another numerical approach -- the discrete element method (DEM). In the paper the results of direct shear tests conducted in the Ice Basin of Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute (KSRI) and the results of punch tests conducted at the University of Calgary are used. It is shown that sufficient qualitative and quantitative agreement between the numerical outcomes and the experimental data can be reached when the proper values of internal friction angle and cohesion are selected.


Year: 2002

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