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Low Wake Wash Boat Design for Coastal Region

Author(s): M. P. Abdul Ghani; P. A. Wilson

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Keywords: Wake-wash; Wave-making resistance; Catamaran

Abstract: The wash of high-speed craft has become an emotive issue and a common subject in research and development of marine transportation. This wake wash can cause an environmental and other damage, such as shoreline erosion, endanger to swimmers, small boats etc. Although the study of ship-generated waves has been carried out since the middle of nineteenth century, emphasis has been placed on the determination of a ship' s wave-making resistance resulting from the energy expended in generating a wave pattern. It has been accepted and recognized that the role of bulbous bow in reducing a ship' s wave-making resistance. In this preliminary study, the effects of bulbous bow on the wash and resistance will be explored. Four different bulbous bows have been developed by ranging bulbous bow’s projecting length, in between 1.25 to 6.25 percent of length of waterline. These bulbous bows have been designed and faired to parent hull, NPL5b series catamaran, whilst the after body and the fore body from amidships to 0.3Lpp are being kept unchanged. But the cross section parameter has been fixed at value 0.131 i. e. the ratio of the bulbous bow cross-section area at FP to the midship section area. This paper details the results of model tests of the hull in both catamaran and monohull configurations; together with theoretical prediction using an existing thin ship theory computer program.


Year: 2010

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