Author(s): Juan Recio; Hocine Oumeraci; Gary Mocke
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Keywords: Coastal stabilization; Geotextile sand containers; Stability; Formula; Numerical modeling; Breakwater; Artificial reefs
Abstract: Shore protection structures made of geotextile sand containers (GSC) are increasingly being developed and applied to a wide variety of coastal stabilization schemes. In recent years, Recio and Oumeraci developed a new process based hydraulic stability formula and numerical model for the stability of coastal structures made of GSC applicable to breakwaters, revetments, dune reinforcement and scour protection systems. The paper presents an extension of the formula in terms of simple design stability monograms and provides qualitative and quantitative comparisons between the proposed analytical and numerical stability assessments including lessons learned from GSC-projects in Australia and India. The paper also provides recommendations and limitations regarding the application and stability of coastal structures made with geotextile sand containers.
Year: 2010