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International contributions in advancing ecohydraulics

Author(s): Norio Tanaka; Shinji Fukuda; Takashi Asaeda; Keiko Muraoka; Yoichi Yasuda; Ryota Tsubaki

Linked Author(s): Takashi Asaeda, Ryota Tsubaki, Shinji Fukuda, Norio Tanaka

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Ecohydraulics as a research discipline deals with a wide range of topics related to water and ecosystems, thereby contributing to sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations as pointed out in Findkakis (2017). In Ecohydraulics, interdisciplinary approaches based on hydraulics, hydrology, geomorphology, and aquatic and riparian ecology have been adopted in order to tackle real-world problems in aquatic ecosystems that have complex, inter-related dynamics in space and time (Maddock et al. 2013). The importance of interdisciplinary approaches has now been widely recognized for solving water-related issues in the world specifically by working with nature (WWAP/UN-Water, 2018; Katopodis and Aadland 2006). With such global trends becoming more evident and advances in technology, ecological, biological as well as physical sciences occurring more rapidly, the context was set in organizing the 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE2018) was held in Tokyo, Japan from August 19th to 24th, 2018. There was large attendance with a total of 484 participants from 35 countries. More than 400 papers including 6 plenary talks were presented. The plenary talks delivered in the symposium were as follows: “Passage for diadromous fishes” by Prof. Katsumi Tsukamoto (Nihon University, Japan), “Use of near-census ecohydraulics in river restoration” by Prof. Gregory B. Pasternack (UC Davis, USA), “How vegetation ecohydrology is changing river management: a primer for all” by Dr. Matthew O’Hare (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), UK), “Genomic tools in freshwater ecosystem research and monitoring” by Dr. Michael Monaghan (Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Germany), “The 2018 Brisbane Declaration and Global Action Agenda: A global status report and call for e-flows scientists and engineers to engage” by Prof. Michael McClain (IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, The Netherlands), and “The Ecohydraulics of River Basins” by Prof. Michael Stewardson (University of Melbourne, Australia). The six keynotes on river vegetation, river restoration, genomics, e-flows and fish passage aimed to provide a deeper understanding of these topics and to foster research activities in the Ecohydraulic Community. Special Sessions, targeting specific ecohydraulic topics, were organized by many ecohydraulicians from around the globe. In addition to these major topics in Ecohydraulics, we observed three emerging topics in the symposium, namely innovative measurement techniques, Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR), and advanced genomics. Innovative measurement techniques such as image-based, optoelectronic and hydroacoustic methods are emerging together with the development of advanced machine learning. Such a development should lead to innovative monitoring systems which can provide new data for a deeper understanding of complex ecological and hydrodynamic phenomena as well as the development of advanced modelling approaches. Eco-DRR has gained international attention after severe disasters caused by tsunamis. Balancing green and grey infrastructure with consideration of risks and costs associated with such disaster control systems is one of the key issues. Environmental DNA is an emerging method used actively for environmental monitoring and assessment in biodiversity research and management. Advances in genomics and bioinformatics can lead to a better management of anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems. It is noteworthy that the Early Careers on Ecohydraulics Network (ECoENet; organized an interesting workshop. Young ecohydraulicians, including students, enjoyed keynote talks on the career development of these speakers and interactive quizzes associated with their lectures, as well as round table discussions with senior and leading ecohydraulicians. This workshop was followed by an ECoENet meeting with more participants from all ages at the symposium. We observed growing interests of young scientists and engineers in Ecohydraulics and associated topics and activities. Their active involvement should contribute to the capacity development of future generations of ecohydraulicians as a community working in science and practice.


Year: 2019

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