Author(s): Hung T. T. Nguyen; Stefano Galelli; Brendan M. Buckley
Linked Author(s): Nguyen Thanh Hung
Keywords: Streamflow reconstructions; Dendro-hydrology; Real-time operation; Reservoirs networks; Decision-making under uncertainty
Abstract: Despite having offered important hydroclimatic insights, streamflow reconstructions still see limited use in water resources operations. As discussed in [1], two main barriers to the use of reconstructions are their format and accuracy. First, reconstructions are constrained by the available tree-ring chronologies and their correlation with discharge data, so they often focus on a specific season. Those format and resolution are not compatible with the daily or monthly time steps typically adopted by water resources models. Second, reconstructions often fail to capture extremes on the upper tail of the distribution of annual and seasonal flows -- an issue explained by the inability of moisture-limited trees to reflect saturated overland flow. Here, we show that addressing these two barriers allows us to gain a more in-depth understanding of hydro-climatological risks in large river basins.
Year: 2021