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Siltation and Desilting Practices in a Runoff Reservoir on Heavy Sediment-Laden River

Author(s): Dangwei Wang; Anjun Deng; Zuwen Ji; Hongling Shi

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Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: Sediment deposition in the reservoir of run-of-the-river power station is severe, in this paper we take upper Marsyangdi reservoir as an example to analyze sedimentation and desilting process according field data measured from September 2016 when the reservoir had just been impounded in order to find strategy for managing reservoir sedimentation. The ratio of Upper Marsyangdi reservoir capacity and volume of sediment into the reservoir is about 0.2. The reservoir arrived silt-stable in a year after impoundment with a depth of 12m deposition at the dam site. Most of sediment deposit in the periods that at the initial and the end of flood reason and it is found the flow rate is the key factor influencing trap efficiency because that due to damming velocity of medium flow decreased significantly compared to natural condition which caused numerous deposition. Based on result of analysis of deposition the desilting condition is determined. Empty flushing is proposed to release deposition after flood season when flow rate is greater than 100m<sup>3<sup/>/s and the new capacity will last to next flood season. In order to reduce sediment concentration into diversion channel a desilting should be done in flood season when flow rate is larger than 200m<sup>3<sup/>/s and flow rate for impound should not be more than 1/10 of that into reservoir which can avoid deposition during impoundment near dam site.


Year: 2018

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