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Joint Optimal Flood Control Operation of Large Scale Mixed Reservoirs

Author(s): Gang Zha; Jianzhong Zhou; Lu Chen; Quansen Wang; Chengwei Lu; Xin Yang; Ling Dai; Chao Zhou

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Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: With the reservoir construction gradually completed, joint operation of reservoir groups is an important measure to realize reservoir flood control potential,but when the river basin is large, the flood channel routing and time-lag cannot be simplified, in addition, the curse of dimensionality is very difficult for model solving With the expansion of the number of reservoirs. These factors restrict the application of joint operation of large scale mixed reservoirs.In this study, The DP-POA cyclic iterative algorithm which is based on large scale system decomposed-coordinating method was proposed to solve the optimal problem considering the flood routing and time-lag.The upper Yangtze River is selected as a case study. 6 reservoirs, including the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR)、Xiangjiaba Reservoir(XJB)、Xiluodu Reservoir (XLD)、 Pubugou Reservoir (PBG)、Goupitan Reservoir (GPT) and Tingzikou Reservoir (TZK)are taken into accounts.Compared with current operation of reservoirs independent,results demonstrate that the method can effectively reduce the maximum operating water level of TGR and flood diversion in the lower reaches of the TGR. Therefore, the safety of the flood control points along the river has been largely improved based on the proposed method.


Year: 2018

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