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IAHR in Africa: the impact and vision of the IAHR African ambassadors' initiative

Author(s): Moez Louati; David Ferras;

Linked Author(s): Moez LOUATI, David Ferras Segura

Keywords: IAHR; Hydrolink; Africa; IAHR African´s ambassadors; Africa Online Summer School; Africa Regional Division;


The traditional view of Africa from outside the continent needs to be rethought. Currently, the word “Africa” solely represents a collective of 54 countries within the boundaries of a large, unprosperous continent. In reality, Africa is inherently heterogeneous in all aspects of state functions, social expressions and geographic features including culture, living standards, education, economy, life expectancy and water resources. It is thus not surprising that water security and policies differ radically among countries. To make matters worse, these different attributes are interconnected and can only be addressed by applying a holistic approach.


Year: 2022

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