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From Monitoring Pollutants Dynamics in the Catchment to the Development of Ecohydrological Nature-Based Solutions

Author(s): P. Jarosiewicz; M. Zalewski

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Abstract: The UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (UNESCO IHP) has contributed to the development of aquatic and environmental sciences from structure-descriptive towards problem-solving. From 1996, due to the recognition of the important role played by ecosystems in water cycle regulat ion, both in terms of water quantity and quality, the concept of ecohydrology (EH) has become a priority theme in IHP (Zalewski et al., 1997). Under the programme of EH, the concept of using ecosystem processes to manage the quality of the aquatic environment was formulated. With a greater understanding of biogeochemical cycles, and in concert with ecological engineering (Mitsch & Jorgensen, 2003), EH approach can be used to support development and implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS). The importance of NbS is comprehensively discussed in the World Water Development Report (WWDR, 2018), and has been closely linked to the EH in a number of studies (e. g. Bridgewater, 2018; Jarosiewicz et al., 2021). Considering the current impact of anthropogenic pollution on aquatic ecosystems, we can observe two directions. On the one hand, biogenic compounds intensify eutrophication, and thus cause a disturbance of the trophic structure and a decrease in biodiversity, and on the other hand, mixtures of organic pol lutants (emerging pollutants) can negatively affect the genetic, hormonal and population levels. The occurrence of both types of impacts in aquatic systems may lead to unpredictable effects. Therefore, EH-NbS removal of nutrients and emerging pollutants (e. g. pesticides), already confirmed in several studies, should be considered as a tool in water management. Here, we analysed the spatial-temporal dynamics of pollutants in selected catchments to identify processes responsible for their removal and proposed advanced EH-NbS.


Year: 2022

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