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Hydraulic Transient Solver Calibration in a Viscoelastic Pipe Network: Lessons Learnt

Author(s): Didia Isabel Covas; Filomena Maietta; Marta Cabral; Silvia Meniconni; Caterina Capponi; Bruno Brunone

Linked Author(s): Filomena Maietta, Bruno Brunone

Keywords: Hydraulic transients; Water distribution network; Viscoelasticity; Solver; Calibration

Abstract: The current paper aims at the discussion of the main uncertainties associated with the calibration of hydraulic and mechanical parameters of a transient solver in a multi-pipe system. A transient solver developed for pressurized water pipe networks incorporating unsteady friction and pipe wall viscoelasticity is used. Experimental pressure signals are collected in an experimental high-density polyethylene pipe rig assembled at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the University of Perugia, Italy. Most relevant parameters of the transient solver are the valve opening and time-manoeuvre, the elastic wave speed, unsteady friction and the Kelvin-Voight parameters associated with the pipe wall viscoelastic behaviour function. The calibration of the Kelvin-Voigt parameters is carried out using an inverse transient solver incorporating the Levengberg-Maquardt optimization technique. Calibration is carried out for different elastic wave speeds obtained experimentally for each pipe and either considering or not unsteady friction. Calibrated creep functions are compared. Results highlight that, in hydraulic transients in viscoelastic pipes, most relevant parameters are the valve manoeuvre and the viscoelastic behaviour, whereas the unsteady friction effect can be neglected and described by the obtained creep function. Keywords: Hydraulic transients, water distribution network, viscoelasticity, solver, calibration


Year: 2022

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