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DINAPSIS, Network of Digital Transformation Hubs for the Resilience, Sustainability and Environmental Health of Cities

Author(s): Vicente Gomez; Ana Genaro

Linked Author(s): Vicente Gómez Martínez

Keywords: Digitization; Resilience; Sustainability; Innovation; DINAPSIS

Abstract: DINAPSIS, was born as a part of the global solution to face the main challenges to climate change ( severe water stress, more and more frequent storms, World population growth, water and energy demand, air pollution,… ). Spain is one of the EU countries most affected by climate change. DINAPSIS is a network of digital transformation hubs for the resilience, sustainability and environmental health of the territory, promoted by AGBAR. DINAPSIS is a word that comes from two other words: 'digital' and 'sinapsis' ( synapse in English ), which is the transfer of information between neurons. The DINAPSIS network deploys innovative digital solutions for the digital transformation of water management and environmental health in territories, promoting the development of smart, resilient and green cities. In addition, it is focused on co-creation and alliances to establish synergies, applying the acquired knowledge and collective creativity. The DINAPSIS hubs thus allow scaling and adapting digital solutions to the real needs of each territory, around the sustainable management of water, the environment and environmental health, facilitating an optimal management of resources. The DINAPSIS hubs aim to: •Manage, in real time, the services and assets related to the integral water cycle and environmental health, via the operational control centers; •Co-create and develop new solutions through collaboration with third parties (startups, universities, administrations, technology centers, companies, etc.), via innovation labs; •Establish direct contact between citizens and companies, via the showrooms, where all the avant-garde initiatives and technologies developed together with the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the region are presented, with the aim of spreading the excellence of the city and the territory. In addition, they intend to sensitize citizens about the responsible management of water through games, augmented reality and other educational supports. EMASAGRA ( Empresa Municipal de Abastecimiento y Saneamiento de Granada ) has recently launched its DINAPSIS Hub, focused on Energy efficiency and decarbonization, being a clear commitment of the Company to position Granada and its metropolitan area as a reference in the fight against climate change. In December 2020, DINAPSIS was selected, in a new edition of the 101 Business Examples of #PorElClima Actions, as an outstanding business initiative for its commitment to climate change. The #PorElClima Community recognizes the commitment of Spanish companies, whose action is essential to achieve common objectives to face climate change, as recognized by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Year: 2022

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