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Impact of Climate Change on Cold-Water Fish Species. Application in the Jucar River Basin District

Author(s): Clara Estrela-Segrelles; Cristina Mocholi-Paredes; Miguel Angel Perez-Martin

Linked Author(s): Clara Estrela-Segrelles

Keywords: Climate Change; Adaptation; Risk Analysis; Cold-water Fish Species

Abstract: Human influence has warmed the atmosphere. This temperature variation causes an increase in water bodies temperature, which will reduce the available habitat of cold-water fish species such as Salmonids. The potential habitat of this species will be reduced due to a displacement of the thermal barrier, which is defined as the maximum temperature fish species can tolerate. This work carries out a risk assessment of the climate change impact on Salmo Trutta potential habitat in Júcar River Basin District (JRBD). RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 emission scenarios have been used for the short term (2011 - 2040), medium term (2041 - 2070) and long term (2071 - 2100). This impact has been studied in two water bodies located in the Mijares and the Turia rivers. Mijares has been classified as Very High Risk whereas Turia has been classified as High Risk. The riparian vegetation state plays a relevant role in the resilience of water bodies. Climate change adaptation measures are focused on reduce vulnerability and improve resilience. For this impact, restoration of riverbank vegetation is established as the main adaptation measure and will be applied firstly in very high risk water bodies.


Year: 2022

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