Author(s): Jose Luis Garcia; Jose Carlos Robredo; Martin C. Gimenez; Clara Cordon; Ricardo Garcia; Federico Julian; Sonia Borowiezcka
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Keywords: Riparian forest; Red Natura 2000; Restoration river banks; Hydrologic modelling; Climate change
Abstract: Mediterranean region is one of the most vulnerable area in the world to the effects of climate change. Among the main affected natural values will be the riparian forests. Mediterranean alder riparian forests, or residual alluvial forests, priority habitat 91E0* and subtype 91E0pt1 in Portugal, are essential forests for the stability of rivers dominated by Alnus glutinosa. They develop on river banks, on siliceous and calcareous much washed substrates, in middle and high reaches of basins The hydrological modelling, the use of GIS and the climate change adaptation studies proposed in the LIFE Alnus Taejo project, as well as the field characterisation of the alder groves, are the basis for the multidisciplinary work on which the definition of the different stretches with respect to their potential target image is built.
Year: 2022