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Water Pumping System with Photovoltaic Solar Energy for Large Manometric Head to Be Used with Surface Intakes, Groundwaters and Desalination

Author(s): Jose Antonio Moreno; Leonardo Nania

Linked Author(s): Leonardo Nanía

Keywords: Water pumping system; Photovoltaic solar energy; Large manometric head; Groundwater; Desalination; Renewable energy

Abstract: This proposed innovation is framed within the field of hydraulics for water supply with renewable energies, focused on the sector of hydraulic pumps for great manometric or energetic heights, powered exclusively by photovoltaic solar energy. Currently there are no hydraulic pumps for large elevations or load losses, with its series electric motor specifically optimized for use with photovoltaic solar energy, through a frequency variator. When a hydraulic pump is required, it is supplied with its motor as standard, and its adaptation to operation with photovoltaic solar energy is not the optimal possible, since the maximum working range of the hydraulic pump should be achieved without putting its mechanical and electrical parts at risk. A hydraulic pumping model is proposed, specially prepared to high manometric or energy levels or seawater desalination, composed of a hydraulic pump, auxiliary system, and an electric motor powered by photovoltaic solar energy, with a special design of the pump-motor-auxiliary system, that allows a higher performance than commercial solar pumping systems available at present, taking advantage of photovoltaic solar energy with a greater range or with worse weather conditions. The use of the proposed system and the disposal of the auxiliary operating elements, allow to make profitable water supply facilities, by reducing the size of the photovoltaic solar power plant that supplies energy, or in existing facilities to increase the volume of water supplied, improving the efficiency between 15 and 25%, compared to conventional design solar pumping systems. The system is designed for supplies at great manometric height or desalination of water, in which there is a high energy consumption, and in which an increase in performance has an impact on its economic or investment viability. For this it is proposed an auxiliary structure of cylindrical shape, where the pump is submerged and which will be equipped with an intake from the tank with the appropriate measures to produce cooling and proper hydraulic operation, and a specific dimensioning of the motor. The model has been tested in a full-scale prototype with the help of an Irrigation Community, resulting in savings in energy and equipment size, with an average performance greater than 20% compared to a conventional solar pumping.


Year: 2022

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