Author(s): Angelica Maria Moncada Aguirre; Nilo Alberto Lima Quispe; Jairo Mosquera
Linked Author(s): Angelica Maria Moncada Aguirre
Keywords: Watershed Management; WASH; WEAP; WaTT; Decision-Making Tools
Abstract: The Comprehensive Participatory Decision-Making (CPDM) tool was designed to support the institutional framework of watershed management in Bolivia. However, it is scalable and can be applied elsewhere. The CPDM facilitates the dialogue and participation of interested stakeholders, mainly during the evaluation of future projects and management strategies coherent between the different interests, regions, and planning horizons. The graphical user interface (GUI) of the CPDM was built using the shiny R package. It integrates four analytical and simulation tools, the Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP), the Resource Value Mapping (REVAMP), the Watershed Topology (WaTT) and, the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) – flows. WEAP is the central component to which the other tools are coupled. The coupling has a dynamic functionality controlled from the GUI where the actions are evaluated comprehensively and considering a basin and participatory approach. The stakeholders only need to interact with the GUI, allowing them to analyze the results in a visual manner without dealing with the complexity of the models but supported by them. The CPDM was designed to display dynamic maps, charts, and tables according to the type of result. The GUI shows the baseline of the basin, incorporates drop-down options to evaluate different scenarios under the defined uncertainties, such as climate and demographic changes. In addition, it has a decision panel where an action package can be selected and subsequently evaluated through indicators. The actions included so far have been implemented to improve access to safe water, irrigation management, crop patterns, management of water losses, and environmental functions of the basins. The package of actions to be evaluated, as well as the results of the indicators, are discussed in a participatory process. The iterative process will allow the construction of management strategies within the framework of the formulation of Basin Master Plans. Analytical tools, such as WEAP, REVAMP, WASH, and WaTT, allow the estimation of quantitative performance indicators. In some cases, the indicators can not be obtained from analytical tools, mainly those related to institutional, cultural, legal, and conflicts. In that case, qualitative indicators were proposed. The CPDM is flexible and integrates quantitative and qualitative indicators. The indicators were organized by components, such as safe water for people, sanitation, hygiene, and solid waste, irrigation, hydro-climatic risks, sustainable mining, gender and poverty, and environmental functions. The CPDM aims to provide stakeholders with practical and easy-to-use tools that can ensure that science plays a leading role in decision-making.
Year: 2022