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Smart-Water Project: Software Design for Processing and Managing Water Metering Data

Author(s): Alexandros Mentes; Dimitrios Spyrou; Panagiota Stournara; Panagiota Galiatsatou

Linked Author(s): Panagiota Galiatsatou

Keywords: Smart-Water; Water consumption; Metering data; Water efficiency

Abstract: Smart-Water research project is about designing a software for processing and managing water consumption metering data in a central information infrastructure. The automated collection of consumption indicators will provide many opportunities for the study and understanding of potable water usage in the city of Thessaloniki. The analysis will allow: (a) the detection and mapping of consumption patterns in periodic water demand peaks, (b) the creation of statistical models of this demand and (c) the export of consumption profiles. In addition, it will provide EYATH SA opportunities for developing new applications, such as invoices tailored to consumer group profiles (eg timing invoices, critical peak invoices), and automatic notifications to network operators and consumers. A consumer group profile is a description of a costumer or a set of costumers, based on the characteristics they have in common. The development of a "smart" telemetry and telecommunications infrastructure for water consumption in the urban environment, presents many practical challenges, for which there is a lack of know-how and reliable technology. In the context of Smart-Water research project, two user interfaces of the proposed system architecture were developed: (a) consumer’s web application, which provides real time monitoring of water consumption and ability to remotely actuate on the water valve, and (b) the administrator’s web application, which enables water utility companies to manage water consumption, monitor smart end devices installed in the water network, be aware timely of any occurred issue and gain real-time insights by the analysis of the collected data.


Year: 2022

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