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Monitoring Streamflow Pulses

Author(s): Marian Muste; Dongsu Kim; Kyungdong Kim; Ehab Meselhe

Linked Author(s): Marian Muste, Dongsu Kim, Ehab Meselhe

Keywords: Index-velocity rating; Stage-discharge rating; Streamflow monitoring; Unsteady open-channel flow; Hysteresis

Abstract: At a time when the floods are globally increasing in magnitude, intensity, and frequency there is pressing need to capture and thoroughly understand the dependencies among flow variables during flood wave propagation cycles using real-time measurements acquired in-situ. Taking advantage of the capabilities of the new generation of instruments, the real-time unassisted acquisition of multiple flow variables with high-temporal resolution is now increasingly possible in streams and rivers of various sizes. This paper proposes a new measurement system for estimation of the streamflow gradual variation (pulses) in real time through assimilation of direct measurements in canonical channel flow governing relationships, such as Saint-Venant equations for unsteady open-channels flows. The proposed measurement system innovatively combines the proven capabilities of the index-velocity method with those of the continuous slope-area method to document the complex and often-missed hysteresis effects that are developing during flood wave propagation at a myriad of observation stations located in lowland streams. While the new method is still under development, this paper presents its concept, configuration, and preliminary results obtained with method’s sub-components through proof-of-concept experiments and exploratory data-driven analyses. It is hoped that the new streamflow monitoring method will advance modern practices in hydrometry and will enable new discoveries in hydrologic sciences that eventually can improve streamflow data accuracy and usefully support model- and data-driven predictions.


Year: 2022

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