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Numerical Modeling of Vegetation Effects on Coastal Protection Against Flooding and Erosion

Author(s): Theofanis Karambas; Savas Nikolidakis

Linked Author(s): Theofanis Karambas, Stephen Forbes

Keywords: Nature-based solution; Coastal erosion and flooding; Boussinesq model

Abstract: An advanced Boussinesq type hydro- and morpho-dynamic 2DH numerical model, describing the processes of non-linear wave propagation, wave dissipation over vegetation, sediment transport and morphology evolution is developed. The model is based on two existing 1DH and 2DH models. The free surface flow over the vegetation is simulated using a Boussinesq model, while the flow within it is simulated by solving simultaneously a porous flow model. The model is combined with a well-confirmed morpho-dynamic submodel. The methodology is applied to simulate the morphological changes behind coastal areas where vegetation has been planted, as a nature-based coastal protection solution. Both cross-shore and long-shore morphology evolution are tested. The model is also able to simulate coastal flooding indicating the ability of the system to the reduction of wave setup and coastal inundation. The main conclusion is that the attenuation of the waves result to the mitigation of coastal erosion and flooding, even in the cases of a moderate reduction in the wave height.


Year: 2022

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