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Assessment of Flood Hazard Caused by Overtopping of a Dam

Author(s): Kutay Yilmaz; Cagri Hasan Karaman

Linked Author(s): Kutay Yilmaz

Keywords: Dam Break; Hydraulic Modelling; Flood Hazard; Flood Mitigation Measures

Abstract: A dam break is the partial or catastrophic failure of a dam which leads to an uncontrolled release of water and causes significant hazard due to downstream flood damage. Increase in urbanization and changes in hydrological cycle in the effect of to global warming increases the frequency of these hazards. In this study, potential flood hazard due to overtopping caused by insufficient spillway capacity for Urkmez Dam located at Turkey was examined. Potential hazards were evaluated due to dam failure in several scenarios by implementing various breach parameter prediction methods, and optimum location for early warning system was proposed as a flood mitigation measure.


Year: 2022

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