Author(s): Eduardo Juan Diego; Ramon Dominguez Mora; Eliseo Carrizosa Elizondo; Gabriela Esquivel Garduno; Andres Olaf Santana Soto; Maritza L. Arganis Juarez
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Keywords: Homogeneous region; Design floods; Return period “Tr”; SIG; MPE
Abstract: This article presents a regional analysis of annual maximum daily rains recorded in 40 stations of the Tonala river basin applying the variation coefficient method. The stations-year technique allows to infer information in those sites with few or null data available. The hydrographs associated to different return periods of statistical storms were obtained using a distributed rainfall – runoff model. This model considers the curve number method of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) to estimate the surface run off and the infiltration of the basin. Regionalization seeks to incorporate hydrometric or climatological data from different stations in order to obtain a single record of information with a length equal to the sum of each record separately. Therefore, it is possible to estimate reliable design events by extrapolating a probability distribution function to high return periods. Several studies have shown that the proper use of regionalization techniques allows to obtain a better estimate of design floods and rains. The variation coefficient method was used to define the homogeneous region(s) of climate stations. The traditional hydrological models consider that the analysis of simultaneous annual maximums overestimates the mean of precipitation data, for this reason the method of the reduction by area factor (FRA) converts the punctual precipitation to areal, considering the non simultaneity of the maximum rains in the stations within the area of the basin. The study area and its basins of contribution were determined using a Geographical Information System (GIS) to process the lidar model with 5 m of resolution. For the estimation of the maximum hydraulic flow, the Runoff Forecasting Model (MPE) was used, it was developed by the Institute of Engineering of the UNAM, Mexico (Domínguez et al. 2008), it obtains the runoff hydrograph of a basin with a distributed parameters model that considers the losses by evapotranspiration that appear during the interval of time between a storm to another , and uses the Curve Number Method. The design floods associated to different return periods were obtained using the MPE model considering the regional rainfall analysis. The MPE model takes into account the hydrological calibrating parameters, as well as a mesh map for the basin that contains the curve number and travel length for each cell.
Year: 2022