Author(s): Shahin Khosh Bin Ghomash; Roman Schotten; Daniel Bachmann
Linked Author(s): Shahin Khosh Bin Ghomash
Keywords: flood risk analysis, software, hydrodynamic analysis, flood consequences, reliability analysis
Abstract: Flood risk management and an associated flood risk analysis are well established within the European Union: Flood hazard maps, flood risk maps and flood risk management plans have been required by law since 2007. The devasting floods in July 2021 in Western Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands caused an approximated damage of 11 - 30 billion €, an insured damage of ~7 billion € and worst of all 170 deaths in Germany alone. Those numbers alone underline, that more efforts are necessary to encounter the increasing challenges by flooding. From a scientific point of view potential improvements have been defined and their principals communicated already. Flood risk management should consist of a holistic approach including a flood risk analysis based on catchments with several dimensions of consequences due to floods (e.g. economic damages, consequences for population and critical infrastructure service disruption). Therefore, new flood risk analysis tools are required to support experts and decision makers within this process. In this work we present the modelling tool PROMAIDES (Protection Measures against Inundation Decision support), a free software for risk-based evaluation of flood mitigation measures. The software package consists of the relevant modules for a flood risk analysis in riverine and coastal regions. A brief overview of each module and its capabilities are presented.
Year: 2022