Author(s): Yike Li; Pengcheng Li; Meixia Bao; Qianqian Wang; Weiwei Yao
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Keywords: No keywords
Abstract: Channel reconstruction and flow discharge influence the composition and configuration of habitat patches in stream and channel ecosystems. Flow velocity, water depth and substrates composed of a unique physical habitat in channel ecosystems. This paper proposed a model which composed of hydrodynamic, sediment transport, and habitat module. This model were used to evaluate five types of channel habitat quality and evaluate the impacts of two types of dike installation. A rectangular channel with 180 m in width and 1800 m in length was chosen as computational domain and Schizothorax (Schizothorax) was selected as target fish species. Fish preference curves were obtained from literature and scientific report. Model results indicate that the fish habitat quality were showed an increase trend from 50 to 2000 m3/s, and then showed a decreased trends, after that it remained stable. The highest habitat quality were happened at hydrological conditions with flow rate at 950 m3/s with the high HSI value located at the middle of the main channel. The long-term effects for the dike installation were also simulated. The analysis indicates that there are a significantly erosion happened at the channel when the dike was installed at both sides. The habitat quality was also decrease along with the erosion happened.
Year: 2022