Author(s): Matthias Schneider; Kopecki Iana; Tobias Haegele; Johannes Ortlepp; Thomas Speierl; Viktor Schwinger; Christian Haas; Philipp Thumser
Linked Author(s): Matthias Schneider
Keywords: No keywords
Abstract: Recreational activities in flowing waters are gaining importance in many countries and canoeing has become more and more popular in recent years. In particular, morphologically attractive and easily accessible river sections that can be navigated without specific skills experience growing anthropogenic impact. Climate change and the corresponding more frequent dry summers within the last decades increase the pressure on river ecosystems since low water levels intensify the effects of navigation. The Wiesent River in Bavaria is one of the most canoe frequented rivers in South-Germany but it is simultaneously one of the flowing waters with the best-preserved European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario) populations in the region. To quantify the impact of canoeing and to find regulations ensuring a recreational use of the river that complies with the ecological requirements a multicomponent study has been performed. It integrates fish monitoring and habitat mapping, hydrodynamic modelling and fish habitat investigations of several representative reaches and forms a basis for ecologically sound management recommendations.
Year: 2022