Author(s): Min Liu; Shan Zheng; Lina Pang
Linked Author(s): Min Liu
Keywords: No keywords
Abstract: Epilithic biofilms play an important role in the biogeochemical processes in the aquatic environment, but the effect of anthropogenic activities, such as the construction of hydraulic structures and the discharge of sewage, on the bacterial communities in epilithic biofilms remains unclear. This study investigated the taxonomic composition and the diversity of bacterial communities along a channel reach of ~30 km at a gravel bed river, the Shiting River in Sichuan Province, China. The samples of epilithic biofilms were collected at the upstream and downstream of weirs, bridges, and near the inflows of artificial channels. The results of the physiochemical parameters of the flow revealed that the carbon-related parameters in the flow were obviously higher at a location, where the piers of the bridges were being reconstructed and the adjacent bank revetments were being constructed. The discharge of sewage caused a significant increase in the concentration of nitrogen-related parameters at certain locations. The diversity of bacterial communities in epilithic biofilms immediately downstream of weirs was generally lower than that upstream of weirs. The lowest values of bacterial community diversity were found near a sewage inflow. Our results suggest that human activities, e.g., bank revetments, weirs, and discharging of sewage may cause a decline in bacterial community diversity.
Year: 2022